Half of the Space,
goes to Was­te.

Exis­ting par­king gara­ges, while ser­ving as essen­ti­al infra­struc­tures, grapp­le with seve­ral draw­backs that impact their func­tion­a­li­ty and rele­van­ce in a rapidly evol­ving land­scape.

Their tra­di­tio­nal struc­tures often occu­py sub­stan­ti­al real estate wit­hout maxi­mi­zing the poten­ti­al for accom­mo­da­ting more vehic­les due to their need for roads, ramps, stair­ca­ses, ele­va­tors and emer­gen­cy exits. The lay­out and design fre­quent­ly result in unde­r­uti­li­zed spaces, con­tri­bu­ting to con­ges­ti­on and inef­fi­ci­en­cy.

EcoMotion AG plans IPO in the first quarter of 2025 Mehr erfahren